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Program Details
API Access: We'll supply competitively-priced ticket inventory using our well-documented API or custom widgets. White Label: Our technology integrates with your site, so your users interact entirely with your brand. Built-in Commission: Ticket prices include your commission, so your employees will never be confused or not know what to charge your clients. Delivery: We'll seamlessley handle all logistics of shipping and delivery to your customers. Support: We'll provide full white labeled customer support if your company requires this level of service.
Our platform was built to allow websites and applications the opportunity to leverage our technology, pricing, and inventory of sporting and entertainment events. Access our marketplace to offer the best seats and pricing to your customers
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Program Details
White labeling: We'll supply competitively priced ticket inventory using our mobile-responsive widgets or well documented API with your branding. Our widget allows your customers to purchase tickets without registering or logging in to our platform. Credit Payment: We'll work with you to configure our payment gateway to debit purchases in real time using credit and offer the ability to set up optional credit card payment processes. Geo-tagging: Our widget detects your customer's location and automatically displays the most popular events in their area. Delivery: We'll seamlessly handle all logistics of shipping and delivery to your customers Support: We'll provide full, white-labeled customer support to make sure your brand is well represented!
Our platform was built to allow Credit Card companies, Airlines, and many other Rewards Programs to easily provide their customers access to sporting and entertainment events.
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Program Details
Flexible Commission Type: We'll supply competitively-priced ticket inventory using our mobile responsive widgets or well-documented API with your branding. Our widget allows your customers to purchase tickets without registering or logging into our platform. Sales and Commission Reporting: We'll provide you with a full accounting of all transactions or app downloads.
TickPick is only major no-fee ticket marketplace and you can profit from our success by tapping into our live events. Our Influencer Partner Program provides you with an opportunity to showcase your event recommendations. 1) Recommend events
2) Help your follower
3) Earn money
Join our TickPick Influencer Program with a qualifying Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube Account and become part of our growing affiliate network. How to qualify? All influencers are eligible to apply. We'll look at your number of followers, engagement metric, and overall relevancy to determine your commission structure.
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Program Details
Web Portal: You'll have full access to our inventory of events to purchase tickets while logged in to our platform Built-in Commission: Ticket prices in your portal can be manually or automatically adjusted to include your desired commission. Delivery: We'll handle all logistics of shipping and delivery to you or your customers by email or carrier. Support: We'll provide your concierge company with a dedicated account manager and access to our full customer support team.
Our concierge program provides you with a web-based ticketing portal that functions seamlessly on every device while you collect a percentage on every sale.
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