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Why Sell Tickets on TickPick?

Tools Made for Selling

Increase your chance of selling your tickets with our automation tools.

Security You Can Trust

Feel confident with our guarantees and secure payment methods.

You Earn More Money

Low commission rates & no buyer fees means you take more home.

Our Selling Features


Sell anywhere with AutoList & use AutoPrice for dynamic pricing.

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Entice future buyers even further with credit boost or a lower FanLink price.

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A new fan-to-fan checkout experience where you can earn back the commission as TickPick credit.

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Am I allowed to sell tickets?

We only support sellers that are residents within the United States (excluding US territories) with United States bank accounts and Canadian residents with Canadian bank accounts.

Does it cost me anything to list tickets?

There's no cost to list your tickets for sale on TickPick. You can delete your listing(s) at any time as long as they haven't yet sold. You're only charged a 15% commission if your tickets sell.

Are there tickets I can't sell on TickPick?

You can sell tickets to all live events on TickPick, a ticketing platform that allows you to sell concert tickets, sports tickets, theater tickets, and others like stand-up comedy shows, speaking engagements, and more. If you have tickets to any form of live entertainment, you can sell them with ease on TickPick. Note that some General Admission events that don't have any assigned seating may be restricted when it comes to using TickPick's AutoList feature.

Can I sell concert tickets on TickPick?

You can sell concert tickets of any kind on TickPick. This includes concert tour tickets from major artists like Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, and more, and also Music Festival tickets for events like Coachella and Lollapalooza. Whether you have mobile concert tickets that need to be delivered electronically at the last minute or physical wristband tickets for a festival that need to be delivered to the buyer via FedEx, you can sell them on TickPick, where we make delivering your event tickets as easy as it gets.

Can I sell season tickets on TickPick?

You can easily sell NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL season tickets on TickPick. You have the option of setting your ticket prices via bulk edit or manually entering prices for games that may be in higher or lower demand, so you can sell however is most convenient for you. You can sell single game season tickets or the entire season ticket package on TickPick. It's the easiest way to sell season tickets for profit, at face value, or below face value. Start selling today to get paid.

What is the commission / what is the payout if my tickets sell?

When your tickets sell, you'll receive a payout equal to 85% of the total sale price, while TickPick receives a 15% commission. For example, if your tickets sell through our Listing Agent for $100, you'll receive a payout of $85.

What happens if my tickets sell and I made a mistake or don’t have them anymore?

We understand that mistakes happen, but buyers are not as understanding. When your tickets sell, you're obligated to provide those exact seats to the buyer. If you don't have those exact tickets, but you have other ones to provide as replacements, it will be at TickPick's sole discretion if they're comparable or better than the ones that were originally sold. If they're not, you will be charged a replacement fee equal to our cost to acquire suitable replacement tickets or to find another suitable resolution with the buyer. Bottom line: be sure to be responsible and diligent when listing tickets for sale, because you'll be expected to fulfill the order.

When and how will I get paid if my tickets are purchased?

We pay out sellers up to 14 days after the event has taken place to ensure there were no issues for the buyer. You will receive an email from our partner, Hyperwallet, on your estimated payout date to provide your payment information. You can find your estimated payout date in the "Your Sales" Tab.
Please note, we only support payouts to residents within the United States (excluding US territories) with United States bank accounts and Canadian residents with Canadian bank accounts. For more information regarding payments, check out our Payment FAQ.

Can I list tickets for sale that I don’t have in hand?

Yes. When you're listing tickets for sale, you'll be asked if the tickets are currently in your possession. If they're not, you'll be able to mark an "in-hand date," which will be advertised on your ticket listing to potential buyers. Please be as conservative as possible when setting your in-hand date. If you're unable to deliver your tickets by the in-hand date as promised, TickPick may cancel the sale at its sole discretion and you may be subject to cancellation/replacement fees.

Can I upload my e-tickets and make them available for instant download?

Yes. As the final step of the listing process, you'll be prompted to attach the PDF(s) of your e-tickets. If the tickets sell on TickPick, they'll be instantly delivered to the buyer.

How long do my listings show on TickPick?

Depending on the delivery type and characteristics of the event itself, your listings will stop showing at different times before the event's start time. Typically, e-ticket listings for which the PDFs have already been uploaded (Instant Download) will be displayed up until the event's scheduled start time. E-ticket listings that don't have the PDFs already uploaded will be removed six (6) hours prior to the event's scheduled start time time.Electronic transfer listings will be active until three (3) hours prior to event time and FedEx listings up until three (3) business days prior to the event. These parameters are subject to change at TickPick's sole discretion.

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Ticket Price

AutoPrice - Dynamic Pricing
Let us do the work for you. Automatically adjust your ticket price based on current market prices.

Yes, help automatically adjust my ticket prices so I can sell my tickets faster

Delivery Details
How will they be delivered? Select how tickets will be delivered to the new buyer
Are they ready for transfer?
Additional Details / Disclosures
How should they sell? Select from the dropdown.
? ? ? ?
Disclosures Select how you would like to sell your tickets.
Seller Requirements
Country of Residence What country is your permanent residency?
Alternate Contact Email We require an alternate contact email when you sign in anonymously with Apple Sign In
Contact Phone Number We require a phone number to contact you, if necessary
Credit Card on File To provide our BuyerTrust Guarantee, all sellers are required to have a valid credit card on file. Learn more

By providing your phone number and leaving the box checked, you consent to receive SMS related to your account and purchases from TickPick. Message rates may apply. Reply STOP to the SMS to opt-out. For additional information, view our user agreement & privacy policy

I agree to TickPick's Terms and Conditions. I confirm I own these tickets or have the right to be issued these tickets. If you are unable to deliver the correct tickets, TickPick reserves the right to charge you the cost of replacing the tickets for your buyer.

AutoList - Sell Everywhere
Sell your tickets on every marketplace with ease. List once, and let us automate distribution.

Yes, help sell my tickets faster with AutoList when eligible.

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Ticket Info Double check for accuracy. You're committing to deliver these tickets if they sell.
I don't know my seat number(s).
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Season Tickets
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Sell Full or Partial Season Tickets

List Across All Marketplaces

Reach all major marketplaces with your season tickets in just a few simple clicks. NFL, NBA, NHL, & MLB season ticket holders can expand their reach by broadcasting tickets across various sites reaching the maximum number of buyers using our newest feature AutoList.

Streamlined Listing Process

Have partial or full season tickets? Not looking to sell all your games? After entering your seat details you can select the games of the season you are looking to sell.

Bulk Edit & Pricing Features

Quickly edit pricing for all events or delete all listings in a pinch. Keep all of your season ticket listings and sales in one central place.
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Are you sure?

This will delete any active listings you may have and this action cannot be undone.
Split type is not compatible with the aisle seat disclosure. If you proceed, we will update your split type to All or nothing.
The aisle seat disclosure is only compatible with the All or nothing split type. If you proceed, we will remove your aisle seat disclosure so you can select a new split type.
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Add A Season Ticket

Just add the details for your season tickets and start creating listings for your games
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Delivery Details
How will they be delivered? Select how your tickets will be delivered to the new buyer
Additional Details / Disclosures
How would you like your tickets to sell? They can be sold without leaving one, all or nothing, etc.
? ? ? ?
Disclosures Select how you would like to sell your tickets.
AutoList - Sell Everywhere
Sell your tickets on every marketplace with ease. List once, and let us automate distribution.

Yes, help sell my tickets faster with AutoList.

Seller Requirements
Country of Residence What country is your permanent residency?
Alternate Contact Email We require an alternate contact email when you sign in anonymously with Apple Sign In
Contact Phone Number We require a phone number to contact you, if necessary
Credit Card on File To provide our BuyerTrust Guarantee, all sellers are required to have a valid credit card on file. Learn more

By providing your phone number and leaving the box checked, you consent to receive SMS related to your account and purchases from TickPick. Message rates may apply. Reply STOP to the SMS to opt-out. For additional information, view our user agreement & privacy policy

I agree to TickPick's Terms and Conditions. I confirm I own these tickets or have the right to be issued these tickets. If you are unable to deliver the correct tickets, TickPick reserves the right to charge you the cost of replacing the tickets for your buyer.

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Bulk Edit Prices

Choose one of the following options to bulk edit the prices for your selected seats and games. You will have a chance to edit them again before creating the listing.
Set One-Price
$0 Payout per ticket
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Please select the seat number that the displayed page belongs to:
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Step up your listing's game! Choose from these strategic options to increase visibility and draw in more potential buyers for your listing.
Credit Boost
Social Share Easily share your tickets on social networks to widen your audience.
Choose from our automation features below designed to streamline your ticket selling experience.
AutoPrice Automatically adjust ticket prices based on the demand of the event. Learn More
Dismiss Daily Monitoring: AutoPrice checks the market every hour, adjust your ticket prices as needed. Ths ensures your listings are always in line with current market trends. Optimized Pricing: Leverage TickPick's in-depth market insights to fine-tune your selling price. This strategic approach boosts your chances of a faster sale at the most favorable price.
AutoList This automation is not available for this event. Try listing for another event to get access to these tools. Learn More Automatically broadcast across marketplaces. Please note: Once you turn this on, it cannot be turned off from here. Learn More Your listing is being broadcasted to multiple marketplaces to increase your chances. Learn More Your listing is being broadcasted to multiple marketplaces and will automatically transfer if they sell. Learn More
Not Eligible

Currently, AutoList is not available for your listing. This feature is selectively available based on specific event criteria. Please explore our other tools to enhance your listing experience. We're constantly working to expand our services, so stay tuned!
Great news! AutoList is available for your listing. This will broadcast your listing to multiple marketplaces to give you a better chance at selling. If you want to unbroadcast your ticket. You will need to remove your listing entirely. Your tickets are AutoListed! This will broadcast your listing to multiple marketplaces to give you a better chance at selling. If you want to unbroadcast your ticket. You will need to remove your listing entirely. Your tickets are AutoListed and set up for AutoTransfer! This will broadcast your listing to multiple marketplaces to give you a better chance at selling and transfer your tickets to the new buyer automatically. If you want to unbroadcast your ticket. You will need to remove your listing entirely.
More Coming Soon Stay tuned for more sell tickets automations.
You need to enter barcodes for your listing in order to have them show up for sale.
MLB logo Authorized Marketplace of MLB
Please select your country of residence below: United States Canada Country Not Listed
Make sure the PDFs are attached to the correct seat numbers. If there are any errors, please remove listing immediately to avoid penalty.
You must have a credit card on file to list tickets. Your card will only be charged upon failure to deliver tickets as promised.
You must have an alternate contact email on file to complete your selling profile. Please add your alternate contact email below.
You must have a phone number on file to complete your profile and get paid if your tickets sell. Please add your phone number below.
FanLink Price
This will be the price shown on the FanLink checkout
Credit Boost Increase visibility with a credit offer to customers. Please Note: Your final payout will be 5% less if enabled. Learn More
Dismiss Attract more buyers by adding a TickPick Credit incentive to your listing, making it stand out on the event page. This strategic move not only draws attention to your listings but also increases the likelihood of sales, giving you a competitive edge. Please note that your final payout will be 80% of your listing price if enabled instead of the normal 85%. Make your listing more enticing and increase your chances of a quick sale by adding a Credit Boost.
AutoPrice Automatically adjust ticket prices based on the demand of the event. Learn More
Dismiss Daily Monitoring: AutoPrice checks the market every hour, adjust your ticket prices as needed. Ths ensures your listings are always in line with current market trends. Optimized Pricing: Leverage TickPick's in-depth market insights to fine-tune your selling price. This strategic approach boosts your chances of a faster sale at the most favorable price.
Important Note If you are unable to deliver your tickets, TickPick reserves the right to charge you up to 200%.
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